What is Gigwalk – How long does Gigwalk take to Pay?

Gigwalk is an app that says you can earn between $3 and $100 for gig you complete.

It shows you gigs that are close to your location, and if you finish them, you can earn some cash. 

It’s kind of like freelancing, where you’re hired for specific work.

Similarly, Gigwalk gives you a chance to earn some extra money as a side hustle.
But a lot of folks aren’t really sure how does Gigwalk work or how they actually get paid for the gigs.
Plus, a common question people have is whether Gigwalk legit or not?

No need to stress! In this Gigwalk review, I’ll break down everything you need to know about Gigwalk to help you figure out if it’s a good way to make some cash or not.

What is Gigwalk?

Gigwalk provides you gigs based on your location, which are posted by Gigwalk clients to improve their businesses and services; in exchange for this, they will reward you with money.

Once you sign up for Gigwalk and turn on your location settings, you’ll start seeing gigs that are nearby.

You can make at least $5 for each task, and sometimes even more, depending on how long it takes and how tricky the task is.

Gigwalk claims that tasks usually take between 5 minutes to an hour to finish, but I’ll dive into how accurate that really is later on.

How does Gigwalk work?

First, you have to create an account on Gigwalk, and also remember that it is not available in all countries; presently, it is available in a few countries only.

Once you finish signing up and turn on your location, you’ll be able to see gigs that are close to you.

how does gigwalk work
You can see that it shows you how much you can earn for completing gig

The app will also let you know where you need to go to complete the tasks, how long it’ll take, and what you’ll earn for each gig.

What type of Gig Jobs are available on Gigwalk?

You find various types of gig jobs on the Gigwalk app, such as:

  • Purchasing items and sharing your genuine feedback
  • Testing out websites
  • Taking photos of local stores

Gigwalk offers a bunch of different gigs, but what you find really depends on where you’re living.

Where is Gigwalk available?

Currently, Gigwalk is available in three countries:

  1. United Kingdom
  2. Canada
  3. United States

Even though Gigwalk is available in few countries but there are still plenty of places in these countries where you won’t find any gigs available.

Gigwalk Reviews

I looked through a bunch of reviews from users about Gigwalk, and I noticed that lot of folks aren’t getting gigs on the platform.

gigwalk reviews
Users says that they didn’t get gigs on Gigwalk

Even though Gigwalk is focused on the USA, UK, and Canada, there are still many places where gigs just aren’t available.

It could be that their clients are mainly targeting larger cities, or there might be other reasons behind it.

On the flip side, some users have shared positive experiences, saying that Gigwalk does pay and is legit. However, a common issue is that payments can be pretty slow.

This usually happens because Gigwalk clients need to review the gigs first, and if they’re happy with the work, they’ll pay. But sometimes, they might reject submissions if they’re not satisfied.

Is Gigwalk Legit?

Yes, Gigwalk is a legitimate app for making some extra income by doing gigs, although a major downside of gigwalk is that gigs are not available in many areas.

is gigwalk legit

 A user says that it received only one gig in 4 months, which is very disappointing.
If you’re in a big city, though, your chances of getting gigs are likely better.

How much Money Can you Make with Gigwalk?

Most of the gigs pay you around $5-$20, and for completing these gigs you also have to pay the travel cost.

If you live in big cities, then you could easily make a good amount because there are a lot of gigs available around your area, but if you live in small cities where you rarely get gigs and the place for completing the gigs is far, then it might not much benefit you.

A lot of users are saying that it’s tough to make decent money since there aren’t many gigs available in their area.

How do you get paid on Gigwalk?

You get paid on Gigwalk through PayPal, and while you are registering your account, it also asks your PayPal email to link with Gigwalk.
After linking your PayPal account with Gigwalk, you don’t worry about payments because it will automatically send payments to your account when your gig is approved.

how do you get paid on gigwalk
Gigwalk paid you through PayPal

How long does Gigwalk take to pay?

The biggest downside of Gigwalk is that it takes a very long time to send payments to their users.

Most of the users are saying that Gigwalk takes way too long for sending payments, typically it takes 3- 4 weeks or even more to sending payments, which is too long period.

Pros & Cons


  • Gigwalk is a legit app
  • It is available both on Android and iOS.
  • You can earn easily $5-$10 for complete single gigs.


  • Only available in three countries.
  • In many areas, they don’t provide gigs.
  • Take too long to send payments.
  • Sometimes it might reject your gig.


Gigwalk is a good app if it provides gigs in your area.
If you get at least two $5 gigs daily, then you can easily make a good income, but the problem is it’s hardly providing gigs to many users; maybe some users get gigs regularly, but most of the users wait too long to get gigs.
Eventually, I think it is difficult to earn money from gigwalk because it hardly provides gigs.
However, I didn’t stop to use it. You can try out this one time; maybe it provides gigs in your area.

How does Gigwalk pay?

Gigwalk automatically send you payment via PayPal, so make sure to enter your PayPal email address in the profile section to get your payments.

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